For every story there is another story which stands before it
article 1988 Benmayor, Rina

Puerto Ricans (Mainland)North America > Regional, Ethnic and Diaspora Cultures
This article is an introduction to the life history accounts of three Puerto Rican women living and working in New York City during the early to middle twentieth century. Their stories appear in this file as document numbers 57-59. Some limited infor...

Negotiating gender, work, and welfare
book chapter 1996 Torruellas, Rosa M. et al.

Puerto Ricans (Mainland)North America > Regional, Ethnic and Diaspora Cultures
This article is based on the life histories of sixteen Puerto Rican women whom the authors met in an adult literacy program. Although these women have been on welfare, they are not the mythical 'welfare moms' disparaged in the news media. Rather they...